Equipment Lines Carried at Sea Hunt Scuba:

Package Prices
If a customer buys a BC, Regulator and Gauge, they will then be entitled to a package discount. Build your own package today.
Try before you buy
Buying a piece of equipment you have never been diving with is like buying a car you have never driven! Test-drive equipment in our heated indoor pool before you buy. That way you can make sure you are going to be happy with your purchase.
Free Rental Layaways
If a customer put an item on layaway, they then have free rental of that item. Layaway customers may also try different types of equipment to make an educated decision about their purchase.
Free Dive Practice
If a diver buys gear from Sea Hunt Scuba or is a student of Sea Hunt Scuba, they will then be entitled to free use of our pool for practice any time we are open.